designed for precise measurements permitting immediate reading in centimeters and millmeters
X-ray rulers
- with lead deposits and lead numbers
- with tungsten deposits and tungsten numbers
Illustration on X-Ray film at 70 KV
Standard: Reading the data from top to bottom
- made of pvc
- with a 2 mm graduation
- 4 mm thick, 40 mm wide, available in any length up to 200 cm
- made of pvc
- with a 5 mm graduation
- 4 mm thick, 40 mm wide, available in any length up to 200 cm
- made of plexiglas
- with a 5 mm graduation
- available in any length up to 90 cm
Calibration sphere
- for measuring of digital radiography
- ball is made of stainless steel
Time markers
- Standard
- in special designs
Radiopaque legends
- made of plexiglas white
- standard legends
- legends made to order
- with add. L or R
- in special design: with magnetic flange
Legends for mammography with L + R
- made of plexiglas yellow/red
- Standard legends
- as set : L + R with standard legends
- individual: L or R with standard legend
- in special design: with magnetic flange
- made of plexiglas
- height of ciphers: 5 - 25 mm
- made of plexiglas
- height of letters: 5 - 20 mm
Letters L + R
- made of plexiglas
- letter height: 5 - 30 mm
- as set or individual letters L or R
Special designs:
- with add. marking
- with Nylon thread or with chain
- with magnetic flange
Lead characters
- nickel plated
- nickel plated mounted
- letter height: 7mm, 13 mm
- Display box
Magnetic holder
- for bucky table
- with lead discs L+R
with engraved text
- 1 line of text
- 2 lines of text
Clip made of pvc
- L + R
- Text markers as clip
L + R Clip made of stainless steel
- letter height: 10 mm
- in special design
L + R fixed to a chain
- square design
- round design
Lead characters L + R encased in plexiglas
- square design
- round design